How to use oracle cards as a business owner

Oracle cards are a powerful tool, a ritual used daily by a lot of people looking for guidance for everyday life questions. As a business owner they can also be very powerful to help with the support of many questions that arise daily from being an entrepreneur. 

A question I get a lot is “how can I use oracle cards to help me in my business”. So let’s go into what oracle cards are and how they can be used for entrepreneurship and business. 

What are oracle cards? 

As mentioned in “The guide to oracle cards: how to use them in your daily life”, they are not used to give you answers but simply to help guide you to the answer you know to be true. 

“The oracle card is not here to tell your future, they are here to guide you. They help you master your intuitive energy and are here to break patterns. 

As we manifest in our day, oracle cards often reveal to us the path to what we are manifesting. They are a secret tool, but will only work when put in the right condition, when you are vibrating energetically to the Angels from the deck. 

An oracle card can use animals, angels, trees, chakra, gods or goddesses and not one deck is the same”. 

For business, they can be used very similarly to how they are used for daily lifestyle, but let me guide you through some of the ways I have (and my clients) used oracle cards in business. 

How can you use oracle cards in business?

Below are 4 ways you can use oracle cards to guide you in business.  

  1. To help with pricing a new offering 

If you ever have trouble knowing the price of your offering, pull a card. The number shown on the card might give you the guidance you need. For example, if you pull a card with the number 21, is it $210, $2,100, $21k. The answer will be guided by how you feel. When you pull the card, the answer will come to you based on what is presented. 

2. How many people you want in your container

If you are wondering how many people you would like in a container or offering, pull a card. While the numbers and statistics need to make sense to this number, the number, visuals or message on the card will support you. For example, when I was launching my third round of Ayurveda in Business, I pulled a card to guide me on the amount of women I wanted to call in. The number on the card was 11. I went with 11. When I was mid launch and not quite at the numbers I wanted, I pulled a card again. The SAME card, with the number 11. It helped me to hold on to the vision of 11 women. I got that and more! 

3. What is the next offering? 

Unsure what to launch or offer next in your business? Pull a card. Read the message, look at the visuals and see what comes up for you. For example, when I wanted to launch my mastermind (now known as Goddess Embodiment Sisterhood), I pulled a card to help me with the name. I pulled “Divine Sisterhood” and knew it would become a sisterhood. This helped me name the offering. 

4. Help with self-doubt 

If you ever have doubt around what you are doing and what is next, pull a card. The message provided is a great way to let you know your next steps in your business! When you use this tool and you trust and surrender, the words can help you overcome tough times in business. 

What to do next with oracle cards in business 

How you use oracle cards in business is up to you. Some pull them daily, some use them when they have questions around business. Remember, never ask closed questions that need a “yes” or “no” answer and trust what message comes up for you. 

Look at the number of the card, the visuals of the card and the meaning behind the card to help guide and support you. You can also journal on this card and what it means for you (make sure you add a date to your journal entry so you can reflect). 

Reflect on cards and synchronicities. These have power when you continue to pull the same card. When you get the same message time and time again. These cards are here to help you uncover intuitive nudges that you know to be true. Trust and be guided by your answer. You know what is best for your business. 

Final thoughts 

Oracle cards are a powerful tool in general, but I have seen entrepreneurs use them to help guide and support their business. 

You can use these daily as part of your morning, afternoon and evening ritual or call on them when you feel you need guidance from your intuition. 

If you want to learn more about oracle cards and how you can get started with this ritual, check out my FREE masterclass all about oracle cards.


Masterclass: how to use oracle cards 

The guide to oracle cards 

The oracle card spread for the new year 

The top 5 oracle cards for beginners


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