The Wheel of Business™ : the connection to 4 stages of womanhood

You might have heard about the wheel of life for women. It is the journey of life that changes throughout our life from birth to womanhood. Business is no different. 

As we grow and develop our business, we continue to enter into a new life stage. A phase where new elements of our business are born and grow. When I think about the cycle of business, I couldn’t help but compare it to how the Wheel of Life works in conjunction with business. 

This is an article to help you see the life cycle of your business and how as a female entrepreneur you can relate it back to being a powerful woman in business. 

What is the Wheel of Life?

 The Wheel of Life is the stages of life we go through as a woman. We start as the Maiden and as we grow old, we finish at the Crone. From a spiritual sense, we can break up womanhood into: 

  • Maiden: to explore the opportunities 

  • Mother: to bring life and birth  

  • Maga: to learn and stay true to self  

  • Crone: to let go and receive  

This Wheel of Life is connected to the elements (fire, water, air, earth and space) and the seasons (summer, autumn, winter, spring). If you want to learn more about the Wheel of Life and what it means as a woman, you can check out my article in detail here. 

What is the Wheel of Business™ ? 

The Wheel of Business™ follows a similar cycle as the Wheel of Life. As I love to blend energetics, business and spirituality, this idea came to me as I was reflecting on the phases women go through within their lifetime and how each phase can be related back to business! 

This is what was born: 

  • Maiden: the concept of business and the idea

  • Mother: building out the prototype of the business 

  • Maga: testing the offering with people and validating the offer 

  • Crone: scaling the business to grow 

The Wheel of Business™ follows a stage of: 

  • Discover: Maiden

  • Test: Mother 

  • Validate: Maga 

  • Expand or Kill: Crone 

What the Wheel of Business is all about is the processes of business leadership, processes, structure and factors in the 5 elements (water, air, earth, water and space) that is covered within the Ayurveda in Business™ course I offer. These stages of business are about iteration, learning and growing. What phase are you at right now? 

Let’s explore these phases in detail.

What is Maiden in business?

The Maiden is the concept and discovery part of your business. When you have an idea and start to collect all the insights you need. 

You will look at the users or customers you want to serve, do the research and start to build a plan on how you will bring this business to life. 

This is the early days but setting up solid foundations is important. However, it doesn’t mean you need to have everything perfect. If you need reminding on this, I have the perfect podcast on the “3 things you need to stop wasting time and money on when launching a business”.

When you are in the Maiden stage, you are soaking up all the energy you need to start to birth this business!  

What is Mother in business?

Now it is game time! When you go from concept to test. You start to turn this business into a real business, not just a hobby. You might start building out your first offering, posting content on social media, networking and becoming a business owner. 

You might have the first stages of your product that you want to put out there on the market. You might start offering it under beta testing to get some feedback on how you can make it better. 

Now is the time to also start setting good boundaries so you don’t just take on the identity as a business owner (as this happens when women become mothers and only think of themselves as mothers). 

What is Maga in business? 

You enter the stage of Maga when you start to validate your offer as a public offering. You start to accumulate a lot more clients and you might start looking at the operations of your business. How can you automate things, build a team and expand into the next phase of your business. 

Some people in business might stay longer in the Maga phase than others and that is normal! We all progress in our business at different speeds making it a good time to stay in your lane and not compare yourself with others.   

Within the Maga phase, you might also look for more mentoring to help you grow and build your business. 

What is Crone in business? 

The last stage of business is the Crone. The time to grow, expand and also kill. You have learnt a lot in your business so far and it makes for a good time to “keep or delete”. Work out what offerings no longer serve you (as well as the clients you thought you liked to work with). 

During this Crone phase (which happens until you retire), you continue to iterate and learn. You might even birth new offerings that go through the same business cycle as you did when you first started. 

Crone is about expansion but it is also about trusting yourself. Trusting and receiving. You know business and more importantly, you know your business. Back yourself to always know what is the best next step to take.

Final thoughts 

What stage of business are you currently in? Head over to Instagram and let me know. No matter what stage you are at, there is always room for new growth and expansion. What you must remember is that business is a process of iteration. The work is never done. 

You continue to grow and expand the more you learn about your business. But if you love this way of looking at business and wish to learn more about how energetics and business can work together, explore some of my courses and join the journey of building a business aligned uniquely to you and your own unique blueprint.


The Wheel of Life 

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