What is a holistic business coach?

You might have noticed on this website, the words “holistic business coach”. You might have even Google’d it because you were curious to know. Now here you are.

Holistic is a word that gets thrown around online and often the meaning can be blurry. So what is a holistic approach to business and how can a holistic business coach help you?

Let us explore this and give you a better understanding before deciding whether to invest in a holistic business coach.

What is “holistic”?

When we look at the term, holistic often refers to health and means the whole approach. If we look at the health of someone from a holistic standpoint, we will be incorporating more than just physical. It will be mental, social etc.

Once you understand this definition, you can see how it can work and be implemented into business. It is looking at the business as a whole, while also the person behind the business. Not just one element.

What is holistic business coaching?

As you can piece together. Holistic business coaching doesn’t just look at one area of the business. It also doesn’t just look at the business. Business is built on people. So looking at the people behind the business and working on their mindset is also an important part of holistic business coaching.

Within Essential Shift, we see it as this. Connecting the head, heart and body (which is what the logo is made up of with the three circles connected).

The head = strategy

The heart + soul = intuition and energy

Body = action

It is a holistic approach. Connecting the masculine with the feminine energy. The go, go, go energy of business with the flow that connects the space and gives room for growth and integration.

A holistic business coach won’t just look at the business and the strategy that isn’t working, but the space and the flow that comes in the business to create impact.

When is a holistic business coach helpful?

Guidance from anyone within a business journey is essential. It gives for a second set of eyes, accountability and chance for more connection and collaboration. A holistic business coach can be even more helpful when:

  • Formulas and blueprints aren’t working

  • Business owners are working far too many hours without results

  • It feels like there is no more movement for growth

  • A business owner is looking for the next step

  • There is a potential for burnout to occur

  • A re-connection to the vision is needed

A business coach will give strategy. A holistic business coach will give strategy and a space for more time and flow within a business.

What can I expect from a holistic business coach?

When working with a holistic business coach, you can expect more than just business development, but also personal development. You can expect a shift in the way you create business and work within the business.

Here are some of the things that can be covered in a holistic business coaching session:

  • Learning the personal vision and how the business plays a role in the vision

  • Connection to the personal value and beliefs

  • Development of rituals to bring in more space for growth (both in life and business)

  • Navigation of tapping into intuition to make life and business choices

  • Redefining the systems and structure of the business

  • Developing the mindset shifts needed to bring in abundance in business

  • Provided a unique-to-you business strategy

  • Creating operations that support your business scale without burning out

  • Shepherd you and your brand to market in a stand-out way

  • Help you meet your customer’s needs in an innovative way and connect with a like minded community

There is so much more. But every person who works with a holistic business coach will experience a different transformation based on what they need.

Final thoughts

Want to learn more about working with a Holistic Business Coach? Essential Shift is labelled Strategy and Energetics Mentor for impact-driven entrepreneurs leaping to multi-6 and 7 figures (also known as a ‘Soul and Business Doula’, holding sacred space for you to birth your dream business).

The way I work is different. I blend strategy and business savvy with deep energy work, ancient spiritual wisdom and quantum transformation.

When you hit your upper limit, all the business blueprint in the world won’t unlock your potential in life and business.

The leaders and entrepreneurs I work with have 6 and multiple 6-figure breakthroughs in their businesses fast. Are you ready to be one of them? Learn more about how a holistic business coaching program can help you.


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