What is a business retreat?

A business retreat is time away from the everyday actions and tasks within business to work on the business development, strategy and all the “big picture” thinking. 

Recently, as part of Essential Shift, I hosted a two day retreat for my Goddess Embodiment Sisterhood mastermind. Within this retreat was the birth of a new concept that I like to call “Business Birthing Retreat” - more on this soon. 

If you own your own business and feel you never have time to develop, gain clarity on services, offerings and the strategy, you might want to think about what a business retreat can do for you. 

Why is a business retreat a game changer investment in your business?

As mentioned, a business retreat allows you to work on the big picture concepts that we don’t often have time in the week to look at or think about. 

 A business retreat is booked in your calendar and is time away to stop, step back and strategise. When you get out of your usual routine and step into nature, a place with a beautiful surrounding, it can bring a level of inspiration you may not have had before. 

 This allows you the time and space to raise your vibration and surround yourself with people on the same vibration as you. 


Plus by going on a retreat with other like minded business owners you make connections. You also open up space for collaboration, better opportunities and more support. If you were at home working on an offering or your next business move, who would you ask for guidance and support? 


At a retreat, you have people who are there to support you and cheer you on. Plus, have you noticed working in the online space how much more connected you feel to people when you meet them in person? 

What is a Business Birthing Retreat?

While a business retreat could range from strategy sessions to non-specific activities for your business, a Business Birthing Retreat is a time of retreat I birthed myself. 


It brings a blend of shamanic practices and strategy. Not only do you get the business strategy and masculine energy, we also bring the feminine flow. Giving more time, delicious home cooked food and a space where we connect. 


Within a Business Birthing Retreat, we use the L.I.G.H.T method, a method I have created to help entrepreneurs birth new offerings and build a business connected to soul. 


Here is what happened from my last retreat: 

  • Membership created

  • New in person retreat created

  • New online course born

  • New tripwire created

  • New partnership for sales generation born 


It is truly powerful, all in just two days! With plenty of time for unwinding as well. 


If you want to take the time to work in a Business Birthing Retreat, I invite you to my next retreat: Business Birthing Retreat in 2023. Join the waitlist of the Goddess Embodiment Sisterhood to get exclusive access! 


The journey of retreat and facilitation

When I was in strategy consulting we would take our clients for a 3 to 5 days retreat to our chateau and it was the perfect environment for the C-suite to get together outside of their current environment to spark new ways of thinking about the business. 


When I facilitated Bloomberg Philanthropies challenge, we took all the European innovative cities in Berlin for them to innovate, refine and hone their ideas. IT is powerful to get away. I’ve been on over 50 retreats over the last few years either as a facilitator or as an attendee in different countries. I go quarterly on retreats and it is the way to gain inspiration.  


As I mentioned just recently I hosted my first Business Birthing Retreat, you can see more about it on Instagram

Final thoughts 

A business retreat is magical. It is inspiring, proactive and relaxing all at the same time. It allows you the dedicated time you need to create needle moving activities in your business, all with the support and connection of other business owners. 

The best part about it is, you can claim it on your tax! It is like a holiday with your business but all with a purpose to give you clarity and direction. 

If you would love to learn more about business retreats, let’s connect on Instagram and chat!


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