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The Ayurveda Clock and the Doshas

The Ayurveda clock works with the hours of the day to help you better manage your tasks, health and energy levels.

What if we told you there were certain times of the day where you feel more energised than others? Well, maybe you are already aware of that, but do you actually honour those times.

You might find yourself doing all your hardest tasks at work in the evening when really you should be resting. Maybe you meditate at lunchtime when in fact it would make more sense to do it when your energy is a little lower.

Managing our time is always a priority, so utilising the knowledge of the ayurvedic clock and the doshas (Vata, Kapha and Pitta) can really help you achieve tasks in your day while benefiting your health and wellbeing.

What is the Ayurveda Cycle/Clock and Doshas?

An Ayurveda cycle or clock might not be something you are familiar with (unless you have spent time in a yoga studio). Knowing all about Ayurvedic Clock can help you to change habits to make BIG health benefits.

The Ayurvedic Clock looks a little something like this:

Ayurvedic Clock = Biological Clock + Mother Nature’s Clock

The clock is linked to how our genes and hormones operate. With Ayurveda it helps to prescribe the best times for you to eat, sleep and work - along with many other activities you do in your day to day life.

This then works to link your body’s energy with the energy of your dosha (elements) of Ayurveda. The clock is split into a four hour cycle, which is based on the type of energy that is active in our bodies during the four-hour time frame.

During a day we will cycle through the three doshas, which are vata, kapha, pitta. So for everyone, the more close we align to our daily rhythm along with the rhythm of nature, the more we support our well-being.

It is the time we go against our daily cycles of energy that we can find disruptions in our health.

The Ayurvedic Clock time blocks

An Ayurvedic clock can look like this:

2 to 6am and pm - Vata time

6 to 10 am and pm - Kapha time

10 to 2 am and pm - Pitta time

So what activities are ideal during each energy time?

Vata time: the vata dosha includes the ether and air elements. This is a great time for spiritual connection. During this early morning time of 2:00am and 6:00am, is the ideal time for meditation. This allows us to connect easily with the stillness of the day as there is less activity around us.

For the afternoon time between 2:00am and 6:00pm, the vata energy is high, which makes for a great time for creativity.

Here are some habits you may form during the vata time:

  • Meditate between 2:00am and 6:00am or during 5:00pm to 6:00pm

  • Share creative ideas between 2:00pm and 6:00pm

  • If you get hungry during the afternoon time, eat more at lunch to prevent low energy

Kapha time: the Kapha dosha is all about the earth and water elements. This can mean this is the time of heavy and slower energy.

For the morning time of 6:00am and 10:00am you may want to nurture your body. During the evening, this is when it is best to wind down from the day and move into a state of sleep.

Here are some habits you may form during the Kapha time:

  • Exercise in the morning, but no later than 7pm

  • Invite in heavy sleep in the evenings with a bath or shower

  • Aim to turn your screens off and read a book to relax before 9:00pm

  • Try to go to bed before 10:00pm

Pitta time: the pitta energy is made up of fire and water elements. During the morning of pitta time (10:00am to 2:00pm) is the time where digestion is at its highest. So our body can break down the food during this time. You may want to consume your largest meal of the day during that 4 hour window.

For the evening you want to be in bed sleeping for the end of the kapha time so the fire element of your body can repair and process the day.

Here are some habits you may form during the Pitta time:

  • Eat your largest meal during the day of pitta time

  • Eat a lighter meal at night

  • Schedule your physical and analytical tasks during the pitta daylight time

Once you also know your constitution you know what time during the day/evening you really work well in. If you feel low in energy during any time of the day, it might be because you aren’t honoring the avevedic clock. Doing a simple grounding practice can help you come back to the moment.

Menstrual cycle and the moon

As we have mentioned, embracing the moon will help with your wellness and menstruation. But, this can also be linked with the doshas.

Of course, to align your period with the moon you want to ovulating on the full moon and bleeding on the new moon. To help get your menstrual cycle back to normal, try bathing at night during the full moon.

Once you have reconnected back to the moon, your menstrual cycle will align with each dosha. Here is what it looks like:

  • New moon = release and emptying = stronger vata during bleed. Go for gentle practice, keep warm and rest for the first few days. Everything that is good for vata imbalances is good: warm bath, meditation

  • Full moon = Ovulation is pita because conception is pita

  • Approaching new moon before bleeding it is a Kapha energy

When you have no period, this is linked to a shakti prana imbalances, traumas and the need to bring in the doshas, it is the need for connection with the womb to bring it back. Also, a woman would need to remove hormones and synthetic elements in alimentation - food is as important as everything else.

‘Peace must start within! The cultivating of inner harmony is the most critical accomplishment each woman can endeavor to attain.’ Maya Tiwari

The link with Ayurveda and the menstrual cycle

In our menstrual cycle, as women, we have a 30-day cycle (in the ideal situation). As according to the Ayurvedic way of thinking around the moon and ovulation on the full moon, it means we menstruate on the new moon.

If you wish to conceive a baby, the best time for intercourse is during the full moon. Of course this is when your period is in sync with the moon. As our body is made up of a lot of water, we have the same relationship and connection with the moon as the tides of the ocean. So if we were connected to the Ayurvedic way of living, we could be in perfect harmony with the moon cycle.

One of the things you might want to remember is, our period blood is used as part of our healing. Using products like tampons doesn’t allow the flow of our blood to be used in our body as it is captured before it can help us.

So don’t be disgusted by it, see it as a healing tool. Use pads instead or tampons (washable reusable ones) or a Moon/Menstrual cup as other alternatives. For a deeper connection around your menstrual cycle and the moon, please refer to the below

Final thoughts

Are you ready to start honouring the ayvedic clock and live in alignment with your body, mind and spirit?

Here is what you need to do:

  • Learn the times of the day and the best practices for each time based on the doshas

  • Work and connect with the moon to realign your menstrual cycle

  • Read more of my blogs for more information on Ayeveda and spirit

  • Download my FREE lunar cycle calendar for 2021

Let's get connected with ourselves like never before!