How to use lunar oracle cards

We connect with the moon. The lunar. Each moon cycle presents a new opportunity. A chance to let go or set intentions. To be divinely guided can come from the messages from the universe given to you via oracle cards. So how do you use lunar oracle cards?

Within this article, we will go through the rituals presented in a New and Full Moon. Of course, you can do oracle card spreads for each moon phase. But let’s start with the basics.

How to use oracle cards for the lunar cycles

Oracle cards are a beautiful way to provide guidance, not just during the lunar phases. There might be a few questions you have around oracle cards like “how do I choose my deck?” and “how do you start using Oracle Cards?”.

Find more answers in my free video guiding you through everything oracle cards to help you from the very beginning.

Let’s talk about the rituals and how oracle cards play a role in the New and Full Moon.

New Moon

Known as the Dark Moon, we are in the darkness – we are the darkness, the not-knowing, the Mystery. We plant new seeds and set intentions. We dream and manifest our goals for the upcoming month. The New Moon is all about planting seeds.

You can perform a New Moon ritual like this:

Full Moon

At the Full Moon, all is illuminated – the fullness of the bloom, the coming to fruition or the imperfection of our original structures. We honour and express gratitude for what unfolded until now. We allow shedding for what is no longer needed in our life to move forward.

You can perform a Full Moon ritual like this:

The lunar oracle card spread

Each lunar cycle presents something new. Depending on the phase you wish to use oracle cards for will depend on the question you ask. See below two different oracle card spreads based on the New or Full Moon.

New Moon

This is a three card spread. Choose three cards and lay them side by side facing downwards. Label them 1, 2 and 3. Remember the New Moon is for seed planting and the start of something new. You can do this spread before or on the New Moon.

Here are the three questions for each card.

  1. What's arising?

  2. What is the main intention for this New Moon?

  3. What is the transformation for this moon cycle?

Pull your card and journal on the guidance you receive from each card. You can read the oracle card guidebook for support or trust your own intuition and message.

Full Moon

This is a three card spread. Choose three cards and lay them side by side facing downwards. Label them 1, 2 and 3. Remember the Full Moon is for letting go. For releasing what no longer serves you.

Here are the three questions for each card.

  1. What is falling away?

  2. What is revealed?

  3. What is the best next step?

Pull your card and journal on the guidance you receive from each card. You can read the oracle card guidebook for support or trust your own intuition and message.

Final thoughts

These are the two different types of lunar spread you can do with your oracle cards for the next lunar cycle! What one will you try first? Come over to Instagram and show me!

Trust the guidance you are given, but of course, if you want to add more to your rituals, take inspiration from the graphics above.

If you haven’t got a set of oracle cards and want some help, my masterclass is the perfect place to start!

Have fun, enjoy it and remember, they are a tool for guidance. You have the answers within you!


Masterclass: how to use oracle cards

The guide to oracle cards

The oracle card spread for the new year

The top 5 oracle cards for beginners


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