Writing a book for the first time: the LIGHT framework

We all have a book in us - multiple in fact.

I never knew what mine would look like until I did.

When that message was delivered to me, I knew I had to share it. 

Now as my new book - Light It is set to release on September 21, I see entrepreneurs come out and speak up about the one thing we are all missing in business. 

I have seen many entrepreneurs now talking about intuition and how much they use it in business. 

Jeff Bezos did an interview where he mentioned intuition in business (from 9 minutes) and just recently Sara Blakely talked about the power of intuition in business on her Instagram Reel

So, in this article, we’ll explore how I channelled my new book, "Light It," and discuss why this book is essential for business owners. 

We'll also dive into the one thing that's often overlooked in business and reveal some exciting behind-the-scenes moments of my authorship journey.

Come along the journey with me! 

What is the L.I.G.H.T Framework

The framework L.I.G.H.T that is at the heart of the book has been guiding me on my authorship journey: 

L = Lean In

I = Illuminate 

G = Gather

H = Honor

T = Transform 

I want to take you through how this process works by using birthing my book as an example! 

Lean In: Many Nudges and the Birth of "Light It"

Lean In is all about listening to the nudge and making the decision to act on it. You don’t have to do anything at this moment but accept the decision to commit to this vision. This intuitive nudge. 

I have had many nudges in my time…

One being writing this book. 

I channelled this book in 2021.  

November 2021 - New Moon in Scorpio (and of course it was a Lunar Eclipse (you can't make this stuff up)...The message came SO clearly.

I knew it needed to be born. At the time it didn't make sense. I had a lot going on. I had many limiting beliefs come up. Limiting beliefs I have now put to bed. But in that moment I knew that was what needed to be done. Because I am so well connected to my intuition, I listened.

The vision was then clear - I was going to become an author. 

While it didn’t 100% make sense to write an English book (being French), that is what I was guided to do. All I could do in this moment was Lean In. 

You can see this visually represented in a Reel on Instagram I posted! 

Illuminate: Finding Time and small steps towards the vision

Once I had claimed this vision, it was time for the path forward. While I thought I’d never have time to write a book, I took it step-by-step and built out my own map - this is illuminate. 

Because that is what happens. When you declare a vision, you set the path forward, and this path becomes illuminated. 

I hired a book mentor, I put together my Excel spreadsheet and instead of having a “finished book” as an end goal, I had each stage of writing the book as my end goal! 

I talk about this in a Reel I posted on Instagram too.  

Gather: Overcoming Fear and Imperfection by gathering within and with

To Gather was to bring all my resources together and the people to help me. 

To Gather within: meant to gather what I knew. It was truly scary. 

Let me take you back to the moments when fear and doubt crept in as I began to put my ideas and thoughts into words for "Light It." 

It was intimidating, to say the least. But I held onto the mantra of "feel the fear and do it anyway." This mantra guided me through the daunting tasks of research and planning, reminding me that imperfection is a part of the journey. Through these challenges, I learned the value of embracing imperfection and allowing the book to evolve over time. 

Surprisingly, what initially scared me turned into one of the most rewarding experiences.

Gather with: I found a way through accountability, community, and support. 

I want to express my gratitude to the Expert Author Academy, which played a pivotal role in helping me carve out the necessary time and space for writing. Without this support, the book might not have become a reality.

So I Gathered what I needed within me and then used the community to support me on my journey to becoming an author. 

You can see the Reel I did on this part of the journey. 

Honour: Feedback as a Gift

I've always believed that feedback is a gift, but, now, let's talk about the rollercoaster of emotions that came with receiving feedback on my first draft from my mentor. 

I was nervous and even felt a bit sick when I saw the email with the annotated document. 

It felt overwhelming, with annotations seemingly everywhere. I began to doubt my ability to bring the book to life. 

But, as they say, time changes perspective. 

Over time, I came to see this feedback as a true gift, even though it didn't feel that way initially. It was all about timing and personal growth. 

And then there's the publisher journey, full of ups and downs, including rejections. It was a tough process, but eventually, I found the perfect publisher who resonated with my vision.

The Honour phase is the hardest of the L.I.G.H.T framework because you have to trust that all the work you have done is exactly what was needed. You have to trust fully. 

There is nothing else you can do. 

I did a Reel on this on Instagram and the vulnerable state I was in during this time. 

Transform: The Transformation

After embracing feedback and persevering through publisher rejections, a remarkable transformation took place. 

I want to share how I navigated the journey to find a publisher who truly understood and supported my vision. 

It was a pivotal moment. 

Additionally, the book received incredible endorsements from industry figures, which was a heartwarming surprise - and made it to Amazon’s bestsellers list! 

The biggest lesson from this journey is the power of Honouring your path. 

It's a reminder that dreams do come true when you stay the course.

Once you have a copy of Light It in your hands, you will see the transformation come to life. 

See the beautiful Reel that shows you the transformation here. 

Final thoughts

I want you to remember that this journey of becoming an author and creating "Light It" is a testament to the power of intuition, determination, and the willingness to embrace imperfections.

I invite you to pick up a copy of "Light It" when it's released on September 21 and discover the transformative potential of the LIGHT framework for yourself. 


The Intuitive Entrepreneur: How to Step up as a Leader of your Business


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