What is intuition in business?

The “gut feeling” we get when we feel called to do something (or not do something) in our business is led by our intuition. But as I expand and grow in business, there is a clear message that the more I trust myself and go with my intuition, the better the outcomes and the more growth I see. 

Intuition is such an important part of business, so much so that I am dedicating time to write an article on this topic. 

Before you start to learn how I process intuition in business and how you can use the process to use it yourself, let’s go into the basics of intuition and what it means for business.

What is intuition? 

When you search intuition in the dictionary you get this simple definition: “the ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning”. 

To describe intuition is to talk about this inner knowing. When you know something is a full body yes and you can’t explain why. There is no emotion. No fear. Just knowing that you have to do ‘the thing’. 

Have you ever heard someone say “I don’t know why I did it, I just did”. This is the definition of intuition. That gut feeling that you know something to be true. Intuition is the heart, when you lead with your heart, magical things happen. 

How does this help you in business? 

Why do you need intuition in business?

Imagine this. You only thought with logic. Would you do the things you have done before? Would you have ever jumped out of that plane when you were in your twenties? If we thought with logic all the time in our business, we would never make courageous moves. 

We would never take risks. To connect with your intuition in business means to lead with your heart. To take action to get you closer to your goals. Because your intuition is working to give you the best possible outcome. 

Here are reasons why you should consider tapping into your intuition in business: 

  1. Helps cut out the noise: you will hear so many things you “should” and “shouldn’t” do in business. Your intuition will help guide you in the right direction

  2. Helps you make aligned choices: once you learn to listen to your intuition you will make choices that are good for YOU and your business 

  3. Helps you to trust yourself and build confidence: because when you trust yourself, that is when the magic happens and once your intuition guides you in the right place, you gain confidence 

  4. Helps you live an aligned life: because you build your business around your life and what you want 

These are just some of multiple reasons. But there have been many choices I have made in my business that have been based purely on intuition and they have worked out amazing for me and Essential Shift. Some include: 

  • Starting a podcast even though I had a lot going on content wise (I just knew I wanted to do it) 

  • Launching without a launch plan Ayurveda in Business 

  • Starting to write my own book 

  • Quitting my corporate job to start my business

How you can bring intuition into your business

There is no right or wrong way to connect with your intuition but there are rituals that can help you! 

These can include: 

  • Journaling 

  • Oracle card pulling 

  • Meditation 

  • Connecting with nature 

All of these help you to be present and quieten your mind. When you have the space you can connect to what your intuition is telling you. The more you connect with your intuition, the more you trust it, the stronger it gets.  

Final thoughts 

Connecting with your intuition might sound a little “woo woo” but loads of entrepreneurs have spoken about trusting their gut when it comes to business, Richard Branson being one of them! 

So while this might be new to you and the start of your journey, it is okay to not know where to start. Bring this to your attention and start finding ways to trust your feelings and what your inner self is telling you. 

It might seem quiet now, but it will get louder. If you want to learn more about intuition and business, connect with me on Instagram. Or you can check out my book: Light It: How To Trust Your Intuition And Build A Thriving Business!


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The energy of the days in the week: be intentional with your week 

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