The energy of the days in the week: be intentional with your week through the energy of each planet!

Each day of the week brings in a new energy. Have you ever noticed you feel certain ways on different days? Have you noticed you get more work done one day and the other you would rather rest?

This is completely normal. Each day carries its own energy from the planets. Each day can be used to help you be more intentional. I have had a lot of you ask about the energy of each day in the week, so I have put together a guide for you to help you plan and navigate each day with ease and flow!


Monday/Moon Day: Nurturing/Intuition/Safety/Emotions.

Here is a mini profile of the day:

• Element to connect to: Water

• Energy you can lean into: Yin/Feminine

• Crystals you might want to call on: Moonstone

Monday is the day of the Moon. A time to bring a light to the emotions that are presenting themselves. You want to really feel into your intuition on Monday’s and honour your shadows. Monday brings with it a little bit of mystery.

For most of us, Monday is day one of the working week. We have all experienced the dread of Monday morning at some stage of our life. This is really common for the energy of monday as the moon brings with it the ups and downs, the rollercoaster effect we might feel.

As the moon has a big influence on Monday, you might feel calm and moody all at the same time. This is the day to call on a ritual like meditation to keep you grounded. If you own your own business, it might be a day to have off, or choose time out in your day for yourself.

You might also want to call on your rituals more on Monday. Let me guide you with my rituals guide.


Tuesday/Mars Day: Action/Motivation/Active/Warrior/Defensive/Energetic.

Here is a mini profile of the day:

• Element to connect to: Fire

• Energy you can lean into: Yang/Masculine

• Crystals you might want to call on: Amber

Tuesday is connected with the planet Mars. Do you feel more energised to do work on a Tuesday? No surprises there. It is easy to become clear and aware of where you are headed when there is energy from Mars. It helps you to build the momentum you need.

The day is all about getting things done, so this is a good day to plan work in your business. Maybe you want to launch a new project, declutter or get things ticked off your ‘to-do list’, this is the day. If you tap into your intuition on Monday to set the emotion, Tuesday is going to help you put it all into action.

Try a high-vibe ritual on a Tuesday!

If you are a business owner, you might want to do more vision work! I have the exact course to help you with this! Bring your Vision to Life!


Wednesday/Mercury Day: Ideas/Communications/Short travels/Writing/Speaking/Teaching.

Here is a mini profile of the day:

• Element to connect to: Earth

• Energy you can lean into: Yang/Masculine

• Crystals you might want to call on: Emerald

Wednesday is all about Mercury, which is the planet connected to communication. This is a day where your ideas start coming to the surface. Because it is aligned with the planet of communication it is a good day for meetings, calls, emails and all forms of communication.

Mercury (and Wednesday) provides you the energy to be creative and speak your truth. This would be a good day to call on the ritual of singing, chanting or journaling.

Be mindful the mercury isn’t in retrograde!

You might want to SHOUT from the rooftops your dream business - I can guide you on this!


Thursday/Jupiter Day: Expansion/Blessings/Excitement/Enthusiasm/Education/Finances

Here is a mini profile of the day:

• Element to connect to: Fire

• Energy you can lean into: Yang/Masculine

• Crystals you might want to call on: Amethyst

The day where Jupiter is in power. This brings with it positivity and expansion! Thursday is a day of motivation and efficiency. It is powerful to be organised for the weekend coming up. But it is important to do so with ease.

Thursday is also a good day to bring focus to your health, wellness and finances (a day for abundance). If you are looking to take up a new hobby or learn a new skill, Thursday is the day. You might want to connect with a ritual that brings in a hobby for you!

You might want to learn something NEW today. I have the perfect course. Blending Ayurveda in Business. A different type of business course.


Friday/Venus Day: Love/Values/ Detail Oriented/Adjustments

Here is a mini profile of the day:

• Element to connect to: Air

• Energy you can lean into: Yin/Feminine

• Crystals you might want to call on: Rose Quartz

Friday is connected with the planet of Venus. A planet all about love, beauty and creativity! It is the day to be in high vibe. It brings with it a social and romantic connection! There is no wonder it is the end of the work week, who isn’t always in a good mood on a Friday?

The connection with Venus makes it a good day for self care and connection. You might feel charismatic on a Friday! Make sure you note down any ideas or high energy you get on a Friday and leave them for Tuesday to take action. The rituals to embrace Friday is all forms of self care, dancing and love.

Looking for a beautiful business connection? We have a beautiful group called The Circle. The beautiful blend of human connection, energetics and business. If you are feeling like you have been looking for your “tribe” in business, you just might have found it!


Saturday/Saturn Day: Structure/Responsibility/Goals/Discipline/Delayed Gratification.

Here is a mini profile of the day:

• Element to connect to: Earth

• Energy you can lean into: Yin/Feminine

• Crystals you might want to call on: Hematite

The day of Saturn! Saturday is all about having structure in your day. Maybe a day for getting your weekend ‘jobs’ done so you can feel organised! Usually we do all this on a Sunday, when in fact it is more powerful to do it on a Saturday and leave Sunday for relaxing. You can also practice letting go on a Saturday and set boundaries!

A good day for cooking, doing housework, and running errands - OR building out your goals. Your ABUNDANT VISION.


Sunday/Sun Day: The Self/The essence/Our focus or energy/Ego.

Sunday Funday is exactly what it should be. Do what you love!

Here is a mini profile of the day:

• Element to connect to: Fire

• Energy you can lean into: Yang/Masculine

• Crystals you might want to call on: Citrine

Sunday, a day connected to the Sun! A day of rest. It was a time where no one would work and shops would close early. As the Sun rules this day, it brings clarity and wellbeing.

It is a day for sharing, expression and growth. It is a day to ditch the to-do list and connect with yourself. Self love Sunday, Sunday Funday - think these sayings on your Sunday!

Do the things you love on Sunday! Maybe a good day to immerse in the ritual of yoga, swimming, cooking, and being with loved ones.

If you want to align more to energy, today might be a day to plan your life and business around the Lunar Cycle.

How do I honor this in my business and life

Know that everyday of the week I have recurring invites in my calendar to have time to intentionally focus on what I describe below so I’m in tune with the energy:

  • Monday is a day when I connect with my intuition and rest after a busy weekend with 2 young kids. So I have a slow nurturing morning start. I connect inward and set my intention for the week. A powerful weekly ritual that I invite you to try.

  • Tuesday is the day I am in creation/action mode. I may be planning for the next launch, creating my next course.

  • Wednesday is about communication. I write my blog content, I may be coaching private clients, group programs, masterclass in my membership or notes for next program. This is also the day I do my podcast recording.

  • Thursday is all about finances for me. I tap into Jupiter abundance to do it. I do my accounting, billing, invoicing. I also block time for my learning and self development on Thursday as part of my expansion.

  • Friday is a day of reflection for me. I look at my week and reflect. Also a day when we spend time together with my partner with on longer walk by the beach in the morning, a longer lunch break or finishing earlier in the afternoon work to get time together before school pickup. It is also the day we do ‘movie night’ with our daughters at home. The only day they can watch TV so they are pretty excited and we love (re)discovering kids movies with them.

  • Saturday is definitely a day for responsibility and being a parent full time. I love to batch cook and run errands. We enjoy spending time as a family.

  • Sunday is a day where we slow down. We wake up slower than other days of the week. I will spend time having a luxurious bath in the morning. We will immerse ourselves in nature as a family. Either at the beach, bush walk in the Royal National Park, or gardening. When I was a kid it was a day for family gatherings, as we are just the four of us in Australia, we love to spend time with friends for lunch or dinner.

How do you honour the energy of the days of the week? Come to Instagram and tell me!

Final thoughts

It is all about intentional planning and connecting with the energy of the day when doing work. To go deeper, I also look at the astrology for energy of the day itself.

I recommend you to get the Magic of I journal (using this link will give you a discount) to look at the energy of each day itself to adjust your intention. We also have a beautiful free Lunar Calendar to help you aligned your life and business with the lunar cycle.


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