The 3 steps to help you surrender

Have you ever had to surrender before? Learning how to surrender can be a very powerful practice. Now, when we think of the definition of ‘surrender’, you might think waving the white flag. But it can mean a very different thing in the world of spirituality.

To surrender in spirituality means that everything from thoughts to ideas are a teaching or lessons from a higher source (or the universe). It also means to have a level of submission to what is happening around you and to trust everything will happen as it should.

On the podcast this week, I have the amazing Mariah MacInnes talk about all things surrender as she went through an experience this year that forced her to surrender like never before. If you’re unsure about what it means to surrender, have a read below and make sure to check out Mariah’s Instagram.

The importance of sharing your dream

Mariah is the first guest on the podcast because she has been helping me give birth to this long time dream of creating my podcast. By sharing about this dream, I realised that Mariah had lots of experience with podcasts and she helped me make it happen.

Let’s start with making sure you're taking time to voice and share your dreams so that others can help you. A video that I love to share with you about the power of sharing your dream, is this ted talk:

Isolation is the dream-killer, not your attitude | Barbara Sher | TEDxPrague

This also takes an element of surrendering as you put out there what you want, your intention and then you go for your dreams but surrender to the outcome. It is like putting in effort, but having faith and knowing it will happen. Even if it isn’t exactly as you thought! I talk about this in my article about manifestation.

How to surrender

On the 2nd of March 2021, Mariah had a massive surgery to remove 2 tumours, that is her Essential Shift. She spent over 4 weeks in hospital to recover.

Mariah is embracing her journey with so much wisdom, taking the time to surrender and embrace each step along the way. She speaks about the importance of knowing your values to find your centre.

So how do you surrender? What does that look like for you?

  1. Connect with the present moment

  2. Meet the resistance with an open heart

  3. Practice patience with whatever is occurring

Remember, some things are going to be hard to surrender to, but remember what is in your level of control and what isn’t.

Surrender is the way forward

During Mariah's hospital stay she was allowed a few hours out with her family. One of the days she was at the beach and saw dolphins by the ocean. In this moment she said that she was ready to surrender.

The next day she was released from hospital. She shared authentically that it is hard to surrender. But she shared the power of surrendering, knowing that you’ve done everything you can.

She mentioned the teaching she had from our ‘Goddess Embodiment Sisterhood’, and how she is learning about herself and finding her soul when she surrenders.

Let’s all have the word of surrender everywhere as it is a lifelong journey.

Connection and investing

Connection with other people, but also within yourself. What can I do to connect with myself when something is happening?

Mariah is mentioning the power of connecting with herself and investing in the connection with like minded people, either with time or money. Mariah has been part of my 7 months journey: ‘Goddess Embodiment Sisterhood’. Mariah is so committed to her own healing, she is taking ownership of her journey.

She mentioned how much the investment in her personal development has positively impacted her business as well.

She mentioned also about my eBook ‘Shift into Alignment’ and the importance of thinking about our legacy: What would you like to leave behind?

Final thoughts

Be ready to share your story and journey as you can then learn the lessons. If you feel stuck in telling your story, make sure you connect with Mariah.

AND if you’d love some to journey inside the Goddess Embodiment Sisterhood like Mariah did, join the waitlist here. I’d love to have you as we start in October.


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