How to discover and connect with your inner goddess 

A Goddess is a divine being embodied in a feminine form. But contrary to our modern cultural understanding a Goddess is not a woman with more sex appeal and supernatural power, every woman is a Goddess. 

When you connect with ancient Goddesses archetypes, it is a way to connect with your intuition, your divine feminine and the Earth, the elements, the season. 

When you embrace and embody your inner goddess you draw in a beautiful feminine energy that allows you to go through life in complete flow. With feminine energy also comes masculine energy and when worked in harmony and balance, bring in a true sense of being. 

What is a goddess? What is the energy it brings and what goddess can we call on when we need more feminine flow? 

During this article, I’ll be using Hindu goddesses to explain to you more about your inner goddess. 

Let me take you through all things inner goddess so you can start living in alignment! 

What is a goddess and goddess energy? 

As mentioned, a goddess is a female deity. In many religions and cultures, gods and goddesses are worshipped for possessing supernatural powers. You have goddesses in many forms from the brave warrior to the erotic lover and they are a way to connect and align with your divine masculine and feminine energies. 

But what and who is a goddess that is inside of us? Well, I found this beautiful definition from blogger Breyana I’jae. An inner goddess is...

“a woman who is in the process of learning to know, accept and love herself on all levels, mind, body and spirit. A woman who, because she focuses on personal growth and self awareness, experiences a life, increasingly filled with peace, love, joy, passion and fun. A woman that understands that she has unlimited capacity to make her life anything she wants. A woman who is inspired to give to those around her because of her sense of gratitude and abundance. A woman who is so beautiful, brilliant, and wholesome that she is simply not like any other woman on earth and therefore possesses some sort of uncommon spiritual element that while it cannot be solidly defined it is clearly present”. 

What does it mean for you to cultivate your inner goddess?

It does not need to be anchored in mythology but rather what archetypes and qualities resonate with you and you embody.

Goddess energy is all about Shakti Prana (more on this soon), life for of the feminine energy, these help with:

  • Sadhana (which means ‘actions that reclaim the Divine within’): Honoring yourself as a sacred vessel for the divine feminine and cultivating daily sacred rituals to develop your bhakti, or loving devotion, in your life. More about daily ritual here

  • Intuition: A deep connection to yourself and your authentic voice of truth in all situations

  • Creativity: Unleashing ease and creative energy

  • Flow and Abundance: Fulfillment in your finances and abundance is all areas of life including relationships

  • Vitality and Radiance: Beaming with health, happiness and beauty. When you feel like a Goddess on the inside, it shows on the outside with your vitality which magnetises people around you!

The types of goddess 

You really can cultivate any goddess that speaks and resonates with you. I challenge you to go deeper and research the type of goddess you wish to embody. A goddess comes from all types of cultural and religious backgrounds including Greek, Hindu, Egyptian - just to name a few. 

What is masculine and feminine energy?

All of us have two types of energy - masculine and feminine energy. We all have both of these energies within us and when used in alignment, can bring in a true sense of being.

The feminine energy represents the flow and abundance, where the masculine energy is the doing and the action. Goddess and god - one and oneness. The masculine and feminine must align. 

In Hinduism there are both masculine and feminine deities representing the supreme power of the universe. 

All of these gods and goddesses have both male and female counterparts. 

Hindu goddesses are the representation of Shakti, they are powerful and play a central role in the creation, protection, and destruction of the universe. The goddess is the divine feminine! However, shakti is present in both men and women. In Taoism, shakti is known as chi.

Shiva represents the masculine energy. The action. 

If you only apply the masculine energy in business then you will exhaust yourself. You will burn out, you will compare yourself.

Embrace your feminine energy, it is the energy that can move mountains.

Like the chinese proverb says: “When sleeping women wake, mountains move”.

When our Shakti is activated, it awakens our Goddess essence and personal power. I’ll share my unique 7 steps method to understand and empower your inner goddess in my Goddess Embodiment Sisterhood.

The goddess energy in business

Goddesses and gods representation is called Murti (in sanskrit) and as well as crystals it is about letting them come to you. I’ll invite you to google their name and look for their representations and see with which one you connect the most. 

The number of goddesses in Hinduism ranges (on Google you will see 33 and 33 million). But the most well known are Aditi, Durga (a fierce, demon fighting Goddess who sits upon a lion. Her name means one who alleviates suffering), Lakshmi, Kali, Saraswati, radha, Ganga, Parvati (Consort of Shiva and mother of Ganesh. She is the Goddess of love and devotion).

The three I'm going to cover are LAKSHMI for the abundance mindset, KALI for Fierceness, Boldness, SARASWATI for creativity and putting things into practice and stepping into actions.

Let's go deeper about Lakshmi:

Who is she? 

Hindu Goddess of abundance of spiritual knowledge and wisdom as well as material wealth and prosperity. She is also the Goddess of light celebrated at Diwali. Diwali festival represents this abundance with people wearing their finest clothes, illuminating the interior and exterior of their homes, lighting fireworks, and sharing gifts. The first time I connected with her I saw her beautiful eyes looking at me full of love. Lakshmi main archetype is the mother

How to harness her energy within you and into your life and your business?

The mother archetype could be a source of inspiration for a nurturing and unconditional love energy. The ability to forgive and provide for her children and put them before herself is the essence of a good mother. It is not necessary to be a biological mother to have this archetype as you are always mothering a project. 

First step to start today to honour your Lakshmi Goddess energy: Journal about abundance. “What does abundance mean for you?” and “what kind of abundance do you want to call in your life?”

Let's go deeper about Kali:

Who is she? 

For me she definitely represents the creative chaos that existed in Kolkata 15 years ago. 

I went to Kalighat Kali Temple in Kolkata and when I saw her what strikes me was death and destruction at first. 

Then I started to notice how she was helping me transcend my deepest fears to gain freedom by conquering them. Kali is indeed the goddess of transformation, rebirth and destruction. Kali is about making sense when things don't make sense and it is all breaking down, like what we are experiencing with COVID-19 right now.

Kali’s main archetypes are the destroyer and the warrior. 

How to harness her energy within you and into your life and your business?

The destroyer and warrior archetypes could be the wild woman which is dormant within you. It is a useful energy to work with if you want to clear your limiting beliefs, negative ways of behaving or illusions. It is also an invitation to set clear intentions and firm boundaries for the work on yourself and your business that you wish to undertake. 

First step to start today to honour your Kali energy: Journal on these “What needs to be destroyed to be rebirth?” and "what are the shadows you need to embrace to create more ease and flow in your life and business?” 

Let's go deeper about Saraswati:

Who is she? 

I initially dive deeper into Saraswati when I was researching about Goddesses as I learnt new mantras to chant with my harmonium. I connected with her gorgeous representation wearing white and her four arms with one pair of hands holding a book and mala beads. With the other hands she plays the veena. She really represents my blended approach in my business and with my clients where I blend spirituality, innovation/strategy and experimentation. She represents the archetype of the teacher/inventor's life path. 

How to harness her energy within you and into your life and your business?

The teacher/inventor archetype could be a source of energy to bring order out of chaos. The sense-making attributes by the ability to see a way through any present difficulties or to help you or someone else to master a new skill.

First step to start today to honour your Saraswati Goddess energy: Connect with the element of water and see what you are meant to be sharing. Journal on this. Chant or repeat her mantra: Om Aim Saraswati Namah and it can be used to ask the Goddess to assist with your studies. 

Want to learn about how I teach goddess and your inner goddess? Listen to my latest podcast episode with Ruby Lee “Discover and connect with your inner goddess archetypes and energy”.  

My experience with goddess energy 

My first contact with Goddesses was when I was probably 12 years old and I read The Odyssey. It is about Ulysses adventures. Odysseus' protectress, the goddess Athena, asks Zeus, king of the gods, to finally allow Odysseus to return home when Poseidon is absent from Mount Olympus.

After that, as I was learning Greek and Latin at school, I went on a school trip to Greece to discover the temples (Athens, Olympia or Delphi) and the year after to Italy. 

Everyone was finding this so boring and I was so excited to go into the Temple of Artemis, Athena, etc. 

We could go through Greek Goddesses (e.g Athena, Aphrodite, Artemis, Demeter, Hera, Hestia, Persephone) and I could ask you a questionnaire to find out about your archetype, but the most important thing is to listen or read about the myth and reflect, journal on how you connect with it and why. It is all about connecting with your inner goddess. 

In my upcoming Goddess Embodiment Sisterhood, you will be able to find out what is your innate healing powers! It is giving a ton of info on your own soul’s journey and how to step into purpose! 

But actually I really started connecting with the goddesses when I went to live in India 16 years ago, in 2004… Lakshmi was the first one with Diwali festival and Kali when I went to Kolkata and finally Saraswati when I researched more about Hindu Goddesses. 

In November 2004 I was amazed by my first Diwali festival in Mumbai. Diwali is widely associated with Lakshmi goddess of prosperity. What I loved about it was all the beautiful sarees that women would wear for the festival as well as all the decoration with diya (oil lamps or candles) and the light fireworks. 

I really met Kali and deepened my understanding of her energy and archetypes when I lived in Kolkata or Calcutta where Kali is the goddess of the city. 

After doing some research about Goddesses, I saw the Saraswati representation and I loved the balance between the art and the science that I thrive to nurture in my inner goddess, my business and in my clients. 

Final thoughts 

Consciousness creates your life experience. So it is important to bring more consciousness into your inner goddess to be empowered to regain control into your life.

Are you ready to embody your inner goddess? Here is what I recommend: 

  1. Research who you connect with (this could be a Hindu, Greek (or the like) goddess 

  2. Read about their myth, look at what they represent and what comes up for you when you see her 

  3. Journal on it - be curious even with the ones you don’t connect with 

  4. Go into nature and connect with the element that goddess represents as well

Call in your inner goddess, balance her with the masculine energy and you are truly on your way to feeling in alignment. If you want to go deeper, my Goddess Embodiment Sisterhood will be perfect for you - coming soon.


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