Case Study: How she went from busy marketer to aligned business owner


Meet Ashley Boston

Digital Marketer and Facebook Ad Strategist

The Problem 

Ashley has been growing her business for years with a lot of experience. At the start of the year, when she found out she was pregnant, that was the icing on the cake!


  • Her current structure was not going to allow her to step back.

  • The services weren't set up to help her grow at the same time.

  • She was unsure how to juggle motherhood and business owner.

What We Did

  • Let go of services that would no longer. allow Ashley to step back and have space.

  • Focused on growing her membership and launch with ease.

  • Restructured her whole business to align with her new journey.

  • Removed stressful services.

  • Went inwards and did inner work.

The Outcome 

Ashley found the flow in launching.

She was able to surrender to what was out of her control and also put self-care first.

Now in her business, Ashley focusses on consulting and mentoring while also growing her community through her membership.

Ashley was able to create space, which is supporting her on maternity leave. Now she can relax and enjoy her new journey as a mother.

The Foundations

What did we really build with Ashley? The foundations!

We went back to the basics and built from the ground up based on her vision.

Are you ready to build a burn out free business too?


Case Study: How he went from a coach searching for clients to a booked out counsellor with a 150% increase in business revenue


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