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Astrology in Business: What is your zodiac and what does it mean in business?

Do you pay much attention to your Zodiac sign and how it impacts how you do business? Business ownership and entrepreneurship is a big personal development exercise, so knowing and understanding more about yourself can help you run a successful business. 

What is astrology in business and what does your zodiac sign mean for your business? Let’s explore it further.

What is Astrology?

Shared in my blog “Astrology in Business: How can Astrology help in Business”, I explained that, “astrology is a belief system that suggests a correlation between the positions and movements of celestial bodies, such as planets and stars, and events on Earth, including human affairs”. 

While astrology can be used as a guide and a blueprint, it is important to note that you are always in control of your own destiny and you take what resonates with you from your own birth chart. If it doesn’t resonate, you leave it behind. It doesn’t define you. 

But if you scan below and choose your sign, you can learn more about how you might work in business. We have given some action steps to help you as well.

Aries in Business

Are you an Aries? Here are your business insights.

Aries are the pioneers - their ambition as bright as the morning sun. 

Aries are known as bold initiators, thriving in fast-paced environments. 

Here are some business insights for you... turn your VISION into reality, driven by the fire that fuels your entrepreneurial spirit.

  • You have the energy of courage.

  • To embrace your true self.

  • To be free. It is about the principle of activity.

Aries is about this force and this drive. To embrace change and take risks. It is the first sign of the Zodiac.

Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of leadership. Aries always push forward to new territories and lead. 

The shadows of Aries are impatience, being very impatient and impulsive. Not going through with the ideas.

So if you know your vision, stick to it. This will help you move forward without getting distracted along the way.

Taurus in Business

Are you a Taurus? Here are your business insights.

The Taurus entrepreneur crafts their legacy with a steady hand. 

Their focus: building sustainable success, rooted in value and quality. 

A Taurus is known as being practical and sensuous. 

Here are some business insights for you... remember why you started! Here is what you need to remind yourself.

  • The legacy you want to build.

  • This is a marathon not a sprint (and you have the endurance to make it through).

  • You are determined, nothing will stop you.

Taurus: the sign of being abundant. Productivity and creation by hand and body. Being resourceful and persistent. Very slow and steady. 

Taurus is ruled by Venus and Venus is sensual, all about love, beauty and money. Taurus is the most sensual sign. 

The shadow of Taurus is being stubborn and scattered. Taurus is often looking for external validation. 

So if you know why you are in business, keep going in alignment to your WHY. As a Taurus there is NO stopping you! 

Gemini in Business

Are you a Gemini? Here are your business insights. 

The Gemini entrepreneur navigates their mind between ideas and reality. 

Their focus: connecting and transforming thoughts into action! 

A Gemini is known as the communicator and the innovator! 

Here are some business insights for you... if you want to grow, use your superpowers! 

  • Connect with your audience

  • Do what you do best to lead - communicate

  • Remember, you have the power to get shit done (almost like you are two people)

Gemini is the sign of being curious.  Gemini is the butterfly of the zodiac.  It is light and airy. Intelligent. Cultured. Quick to change. Agile. Logical. Communicative. Clever. 

Gemini is ruled by mercury. The planet of communication and sharing what you have learnt. 

The shadow of Gemini is being inconsistent and inconsiderate. Gemini can have a lack of attention and focus. 

Focus on the big picture, the ideas and the action. Maybe the attention to detail can be outsourced. 

Cancer in Business

Are you a Cancer ? Here are your business insights... 

The Cancer entrepreneur leads with intuition and empathy , creating a business that nurtures and sustains.

Their focus: fostering connections , building a community where everyone feels at home.

A Cancer is known as the nurturer. 

Here are some business insights for you... if you want to build in alignment to your sign.

  • Look at building a community

  • Always trust your intuition

  • Your customer service is your strength

Cancer: the sign of sensitivity. The crab. Strong on the outside, soft on the inside. Emotional. Warm. Caring. A beautiful intuitive sign. Requires nurturing.

Cancer is ruled by the moon. The planet of safety, of emotions and intuition. 

The shadow of cancer is overprotection. In-direct communication. The inconsistency can appear. 

Leo in Business

Are you a Leo? Here are your business insights... 

The Leo entrepreneur shines their creative energy igniting the flames of inspiration. 

Their focus: to lead with confidence and charisma, turning bold ideas into breathtaking realities. 

Leo is known as the fun and "in the spotlight" type. 

Here are some business insights for you...  if you want to stand out above the rest!

Show up. Be the star of the show (as you)

Look for loyalty where you can. In clients, in community. 

Be bold and confident in all your do

Leo: the sign of lion, the lioness. People who have this sun sign will light up a room. Natural performer. Confidence. Charismatic. Proud and loud. Sharer of light. Playfulness.

Leo is ruled by the sun. The sense of authority. A Leo likes to shine brightly like the sun. 

The shadow of Leo is being self-centred, arrogant, and vain.

Virgo in Business 

Are you a Virgo? Here are your business insights.

The Virgo entrepreneur is a detail-oriented planner, who thrives on being organised. 

Their focus: to optimise, perfect, and serve, ensuring their business operates like a well-oiled machine. 

Virgo is known as the perfectionist type.

Here are some business insights for you... if you want to harness your strengths.

  • Have a project management tool or system that you LOVE!

  • Do the needle moving tasks and outsource the rest

  • Track your numbers to help you grow

Virgo: the practical and analytical self.

Virgo energy ruled by Mercury is about communicating your ideas with a penchant for details.

The shadow of Virgo is being critical, judgmental, and perfectionistic. 

Libra in Business

Are you a Libra? Here are your business insights.

The Libra entrepreneur crafts ventures that embody harmony and partnerships.

Their focus: to weave connections, creating an ecosystem where balance breeds success.

Libra is known as the collaborator.

Here are some business insights for you... if you want to harness your strengths. 

  • Give yourself space for both your creative side and your analytical side

  • Collaborate with others around you

  • Build harmony and balance in your business

Libra: connect with balance. Your own energetic scales. Co-create harmony with those around you.

Elegance, diplomacy and fairness.

It is a time to use your skills of diplomacy in order to hear both sides of a story.

You may feel called to embrace both in your artistry of life, the light and the shadow.

Create contrast.

Libra energy ruled by Venus gives you a time to honour the need for harmony, peace, love and collaboration.

The shadow of Libra is about indecisiveness and lost to the sense of self.

Scorpio in Business

Are you a Scorpio? Here are your business insights.

The Scorpio entrepreneur delves into the mysteries of success, their insights sharp as a scorpion's sting.

Their focus: to transform, innovate, and penetrate the heart of their industry's challenges.

Scorpio is known as a strategic thinker.

Here are some business insights for you…if you want to harness your strengths.

  • Use your strategic brain to help you grow

  • Remember you ability to innovate is your superpower

  • Add a level of mystery to your marketing campaigns (to make it fun, but not misleading) 

Scorpio: connection to intuition, emotion, taboo and sex. Death and rebirth. Power and renewing. 

A time to reflect on the principle of death and rebirth. The intention of facing your fears and knowing and stepping into your own power. Death to us means clarifying your values and being deeply aligned to your vision. 

Scorpio is inviting you to embrace the playfulness and sexual part of yourself.

Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, which is all about taboo. 

The shadow of Scorpio is about being defensive, secretive and vengeful. 

Sagittarius in Business 

Are you a Sagittarius? Here are your business insights.

The Sagittarius entrepreneur embarks on journeys of discovery, their spirit as free as the arrow in flight.

Their focus: to explore, expand, and enlighten, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in business.

Sagittarius is known as adventurous.

Here are some business insights for you...if you want to harness your strengths.

  • Make your entrepreneurial journey adventurous. Even if it is changing your environment

  • Create fun offers that make you feel innovative

  • Build freedom into your day as much as possible

Sagittarius: the explorer. The seeker. Always curious. Driven by big questions. Independent. Freedom. 

A time to ask those questions of “why am I here”. It is about going on new quests. Always having great ideas. A period of higher learning and expanding the mind. Traveling and loving freedom. Go abroad! 

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, which is all about this optimism to begin again and expansion.

The shadow of Sagittarius is there is a risk of never being satisfied.

Capricorn in Business

Are you a Capricorn? Here are your business insights.

The Capricorn entrepreneur stands firm, their goals as towering as the mountains.

Their focus: the foundations of their legacy, building step by step toward unparalleled success.

Capricorns are known as disciplined and sustainable.

Here are some business insights for you...if you want to harness your strengths.

  • Create a system to help you stay on track of your projects

  • Set yourself weekly goals to help you achieve bigger goals

  • Always connect to the legacy you want to build

Capricorn: the intuitive, the grounded. Thriving in an inhospitable environment. The blend of our spiritual self and the earthly experience. 

Capricorn also has the ability to make sense of the complex moving parts. What do you need to make sense of right now? What needs to be defined in your life? It is time to explore this as we have a New Year with new goals and intentions. 

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which puts an emphasis on what is earned over time such as achievements, recognitions or authority.

The shadows of Capricorn is the tendency to be relentlessly driven, lost in the material world and overly serious.

Aquarius in Business

Are you an Aquarius? Here are your business insights.

The Aquarius entrepreneur dreams of revolutions, their vision as boundless as the sky.

Their focus: to challenge the status quo, pioneering breakthroughs that redefine their industry.

Aquarius are known for their out of the box thinking and for being the visionary.

Here are some business insights for you...if you want to harness your strengths.

  • Create your bold vision and have people around to help you execute it

  • Embrace your creative ideas and find a space to keep them

  • Embrace technology (especially AI) 

Aquarius: the questioner, the vision. To think outside of the box and look for change, look for innovation.

My sun sign!   

Aquarius is also about original ideas and is here to help you make room for unorthodox ideas or opinions.  

Aquarius is ruled by two planets, modern astrology: Uranus, which is known as the revolutionary planet. But within more ancient astrology it was ruled by Saturn, which is about idealistic beliefs and discipline.   

The shadows of Aquarius is when holding too much of this idealistic belief, it can lead to being authoritarian, really detached to reality. 

Pisces in Business

Are you a Pisces? Here are your business insights.

The Pisces entrepreneur finds their flow, their creativity as deep as the ocean.

Their focus: to channel their intuition into ventures that transcend the ordinary, weaving dreams into reality.

Pisces are known as the dreamers. 

Here are some business insights for you...if you want to harness your strengths.

  • Trust your intuition (yes in business) 

  • Write down your dreams and work towards them little by little

  • Let your imagination fuel your creative energy

Pisces: the energy of intuition. Of sensitivity. Psychic connections and being of service of something greater than self. It invites unity. 

Pisces is about dissolving the trauma and embracing our gift of our higher self. It is about love, compassion, and daily rituals. It is about the inner knowing and integrating. 

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, it is a powerful planet. The planet of the collective. Where inspiration and creativity comes from. It is a spiritual planet. 

The shadows of Pisces lack boundaries. The addition to being in another world. The lack of earth and groundness. 

Final thoughts 

Here's a brief overview, focusing on Sun sign traits as a business owner:

  • Aries: Bold initiators, thriving in fast-paced environments.

  • Taurus: Steadfast builders, valuing quality and patience.

  • Gemini: Versatile communicators, sparking innovation.

  • Cancer: Intuitive nurturers, focusing on client care.

  • Leo: Charismatic leaders, drawing loyalty and attention.

  • Virgo: Detail-oriented planners, excelling in organisation.

  • Libra: Harmony creators, ideal in partnerships and customer relations.

  • Scorpio: Strategic thinkers, uncovering opportunities.

  • Sagittarius: Adventurous innovators, exploring new ventures.

  • Capricorn: Disciplined achievers, building lasting success.

  • Aquarius: Visionary disruptors, embracing new ideas.

  • Pisces: Empathetic dreamers, connecting deeply with their ventures.

What is your Sun sign? Does it relate to how you are as an entrepreneur? 

This is just a small taste into the world of Astrology. If you want more, by joining our Circle, you'll unlock a deeper exploration of how your astrological chart in its entirety can guide your business to new heights. This is our community that blends ancient wisdom and modern business strategy. We have a dedicated section on astrology.